Package: rrtable 0.3.2

rrtable: Reproducible Research with a Table of R Codes

Makes documents containing plots and tables from a table of R codes. Can make "HTML", "pdf('LaTex')", "docx('MS Word')" and "pptx('MS Powerpoint')" documents with or without R code. In the package, modularized 'shiny' app codes are provided. These modules are intended for reuse across applications.

Authors:Keon-Woong Moon [aut, cre]

rrtable.pdf |rrtable.html
rrtable/json (API)

# Install 'rrtable' in R:
install.packages('rrtable', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

  • sampleData2 - Sample data for pptxList A dataset containing five objects for reproducible research
  • sampleData3 - Sample data for pptxList A dataset containing five objects for reproducible research


6.09 score 3 stars 1 packages 76 scripts 1.8k downloads 75 exports 159 dependencies

Last updated 2 years agofrom:8346fca2bb. Checks:8 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 08 2025
R-4.5-winOKFeb 08 2025
R-4.5-macOKFeb 08 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 08 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 08 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 08 2025
R-4.3-winOKJan 09 2025
R-4.3-macOKFeb 08 2025



R package rrtable

Rendered fromrrtable.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 08 2025.

Last update: 2020-01-29
Started: 2018-04-02

For Easy Reproducible Research

Rendered fromUpdate.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 08 2025.

Last update: 2020-01-29
Started: 2020-01-29

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add two flextables into a document objectadd_2flextables
Add two ggplots into a document objectadd_2ggplots
Add two plots into a document objectadd_2plots
Add a ggplot or a plot to the Microsoft Office Documentadd_anyplot
Add a flextable or mytable object into a document objectadd_flextable
Add ggplot into a document objectadd_ggplot
Add plot into a document objectadd_image
Add plot into a document objectadd_plot
Make a R code slide into a document objectadd_Rcode
add self data to documentadd_self
Add text to documentadd_text
Add hyperlink textadd_text2hyperlink
Add title to docx fileadd_title
Add title slideadd_title_slide
coerce an object of type "numeric"as.mynumeric
Server function of chooser Modulechooser
Server function of chooser2 Modulechooser2
UI of chooser2 Module Add `all select` and `reset` button to chooser modulechooser2UI
Chooser InputchooserInput
UI of chooser ModulechooserUI
Save plot/ggplot code to Microsoft Powerpoint formatcode2docx
Save plot/ggplot code to Microsoft Powerpoint formatcode2office
Save plot/ggplot code to Microsoft Powerpoint formatcode2pptx
convert data to docx filedata2docx
Make a word file with a data.framedata2docx2
Make a HTML5 file with a data.framedata2HTML
convert data to pptx filedata2office
Make a pdf file with a data.framedata2pdf
Make zipped plot file with a data.framedata2plotzip
convert data to pptx filedata2pptx
Make a Powerpoint file with a data.framedata2pptx2
Convert data.frame to flextabledf2flextable
Make flextable with limited widthdf2flextable2
Make a flextable with a data.framedf2RcodeTable
Export pptxList file to desired formatexportCSV
read data file and make a docx filefile2docx
read data file and make a docx file with Rmd filefile2docx2
read data file and make a HTML filefile2HTML
read data file and make a pdf filefile2pdf
read data file and make a zip file with plotsfile2plotzip
read data file and make a pptx filefile2pptx
read data file and make a pptx file with Rmd filefile2pptx2
Convert flextable to ztableflextable2ztable
Convert html5 code to latexhtml2latex
Convert HTML table to latex tableHTMLcode2latex
Save plot/ggplot to Microsoft Word formatimage2docx
Save plot/ggplot as image to Microsoft Powerpoint formatimage2office
Save plot/ggplot to Microsoft Powerpoint formatimage2pptx
replace argument of a functioninsert_argument
Reports whether plotstring encode a ggplot objectis_ggplot
Reports whether plotstring encode a ggsurvplot objectis_ggsurvplot
Concatenate to filemycat
Make flextable with a data.framemyFlextable
grep string in all files in subdirectorymygrep
Make zipped plots with a data.framemyplot2
Convert mytable object to flextablemytable2flextable
Make/open office document with file nameopen_doc
Change p value to stringp2character
Side by side pickerInputpickerInput3
Save plot/ggplot to Microsoft Word formatplot2docx
Save plot/ggplot to Microsoft Powerpoint formatplot2office
Save plot/ggplot to Microsoft Powerpoint formatplot2pptx
Make png file with a plot codeplotPNG2
Server function of pptxList shiny modulepptxList
UI of pptxList shiny modulepptxListInput
Make a data.frame with character strings encoding R codeRcode2df
Make a data.frame with character strings encoding R codeRcode2df2
Save R code to Microsoft Word formatRcode2docx
Make a flextable object with character strings encoding R codeRcode2flextable
Make R code slideRcode2office
Save R code to Microsoft Powerpoint formatRcode2pptx
Read comment from a filereadComment
Read a csv file with commentreadCSVComment
replace argument of a functionreplace_argument
Convert numeric columns of data.frame to characterroundDf
Sample data for pptxList A dataset containing five objects for reproducible researchsampleData2
Sample data for pptxList A dataset containing five objects for reproducible researchsampleData3
set argument of a functionset_argument
Export data.frame or statistical output to Microsoft Word formattable2docx
Export data.frame or statistical output to a table in Microsoft Officetable2office
Export data.frame or statistical output to Microsoft Powerpoint formattable2pptx
Split strings with desired length with exdenttensiSplit
Remove File and sink()unsink
Write a csv file with commentwriteCSVComment
Make ztable with desired widthztable2
Convert ztable to flextableztable2flextable